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Dean's Message

Our college is one of the edifices of this generous country. It has spared no effort through its graduates, students, and faculty members in contributing to the development and prosperity witnessed by Saudi Arabia. Over more than two decades, the college is still the main source of IT professionals in all branches of computer engineering, computer science and information systems, and has the honor of being the first college to lead the development of technology and information systems in the Kingdom.
The college prides itself in being the first to have girls department majoring in information technology, and still keep pace with new developments as it established a software engineering department, after careful consideration to the needs of the labor market. 
Programs of graduate studies in all disciplines offers master’s degrees which graduated hundreds of male and female professionals who are working in the education and information technology sectors. We hope the newly launched PhD program will contribute to meeting the need of the cadres in the education sector and research centers. We look forward to stay the best in local and regional level and seek to achieve global leadership.

Salman AL Qahtani  Ph.D. 
Dean of College of Computer and Information Sciences 


About College

1402 - 1404 AH The importance of computers for development and modern technology and the need for specialists in this field increased after computers penetrated all aspects of life. From this standpoint and from the reality of the expected need for national competencies in the field of computer, the King Saud University Council agreed at the beginning of the year 1402/1403 AH to establish two programs for study in this field: the Computer Science Program within the College of Science and the Computer Engineering Program within the College of Engineering. 1404 - 1420 AH The two programs began their activities and soon the students accepted them very much, which made thinking heading to the expansion of these two programs. Accordingly, a committee of specialists in this field was formed from the faculty of King Saud University.

This committee carried out extensive studies to discuss the best ways and means to advance the curricula and programs of computer science and engineering at the university, and ended with the recommendation to establish a college called the College of Computer and Information Sciences, provided that the topic is submitted to the competent authorities for a decision. This committee has also carried out studies and research necessary to develop curricula and decisions for the various departments in this college.

As a result, Royal Decree No. 7/1558 / M was issued on 5/19/1404 AH to establish the College of Computer and Information Sciences and to be attached to King Saud University, so that the college has financial, administrative and academic arrangements for other colleges and institutes affiliated with the university. The beginning of the academic year 1404/1405 AH. 
Admission of students to various programs began in the academic year 1404-1405 AH


Our Vision


   World-wide excellence and leadership in research and education in computing and informatics.

Our Message


   To advance the frontiers of knowledge and to prepare creative minds in computing disciplines with commitment to serve the community in order to participate in moving towards a knowledge-based economy through developing an environment that stimulates excellence, creativity, and innovation in education and research.




  • Continuously aspiring to excellence in education and research.


  • Expand knowledge and human  understanding . 


  • Excel with integrity and  the spirit that nothing is impossible.


  • Work as a team ,help each other, and sacrifice for the common goals.




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