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Practical Training - Male Students


Training in practical training, its sciences, sciences, sciences, sciences, sciences, and sciences provides training for students' experience and knowledge of the suitability of their specializations to the needs of the bodies providing training.


Objectives of practical training


  1. Providing the opportunity for architectural foreign students.

  2. To deepen the students' understanding of political science and practical professionalism that they acquired during their studies in their field of specialization.

  3. Accustom students to take responsibility and commitment to work.

  4. Training students to work in teamwork in a multidisciplinary environment.



Appointing the training body

The student searches for a suitable training body for his specialization in coordination with the practical training coordinator in the department.


Duration of practical training

The training period should not be less than two months and the number of actual work hours should not be less than 300 hours.


Training conditions scientific training


  1. The number of hours remaining for the applicant for training should not exceed forty hours, including practical training.

  2. The student must fill out the training plan according to the form approved by the college by the training authority, and it must be approved by the college before starting the training. Practical training for the student will not be counted if he does not receive the decision to start practical training from the college.

  3. The student is not allowed to register any course during the practical training, and the practical training course will be deleted after the end of the registration period, if the student does not comply with that.

  4. The student must register the practical training course in the semester in which the student will train, and if he does not register the course, the training will be considered null.



Steps to register the practical training course


  1. The student submits a request to register a practical training using the form on the practical training page on the college’s website with the information of the training agency he wishes to train with to the practical training unit by e-mail.

  2. If the student fulfills the training conditions, he will be issued an initial letter addressed to the training agency accompanied with the approved form for the practical training plan.

  3. The student communicates with the training agency to prepare the detailed training plan for each week according to the approved form.

    1. Note 1: If the training agency uses a different form for training, the student must fill out the college form based on the training plan schedule issued by the training authority, and then sign it and approve it by the direct supervisor at the training agency.

    2. Note 2: Any training plan other than the form approved by the college will not be accepted, and any form that does not contain all the required data will not be accepted.

  4. The student sends the signed training plan form to the e-mail of the practical training unit.

  5. The training plan is presented to the practical training coordinator in the department for approval.

  6. The student issues a decision to start practical training in an official letter from the college addressed to the training authority, and a form for evaluating the student’s performance after the end of the training is attached to it.

  7. The student registers the practical training course through the academic system portal during the regular registration period for the semester during which the training will take place.

    1. Note 1: Manual registration will not be accepted after the end of the regular registration period.

    2. Note 2: At the end of the registration period, the college will delete the practical training course for every student who did not have a decision to start practical training during the previous semester.

    3. Note 3: If the student registers any other course with practical training, the practical training will be considered null and the practical training degree will not be assigned to him.

  8. The student commences work for the training authority and proves the date of his attendance.

    1. Note: The delay in starting the training may cause the termination of the semester before completing the period required for training, and in this case the student will be credited with "not passing" and he must re-register the course in the following semester.

  9. After completing the training, the student delivers the training report to the course instructor, accompanied by the evaluation paper from the training authority signed with the official seal.


Schedule of practical training procedures

#Action required from the studentLast Date
1Communicate with companies and government sectors to search for a suitable training agency for the student's specializationFrom the first week to the tenth week of the semester preceding the training
2Submit a practical training registration application using the form on the practical training page to the Practical Training Unit via an emailThe end of the Thursday of the tenth week of the semester preceding the training
3Delivering the training plan, after its approval by the training authority, to the Practical Training Unit by e-mailThe end of the Thursday of the tenth week of the semester preceding the training
4Receive the decision to start practical training from the collegeThe end of the semester preceding the training
5Registration of the field training course Note 1: Manual registration will not be accepted after the end of the registration period Note 2: The course will be removed from any student for whom the decision to start practical training has not been issued by the college.The regular registration period through the electronic system portal for the semester during which the training will take place.
6Commencement of work at the training agency's headquarters Note: Delay in commencing training may cause failure to complete the required training period before the end of the semester.On Thursday of the first week of the training semester.
7Delivery of the training report and the evaluation of the training authority to the instructor of the field training course Note: In the event that the report and evaluation are not submitted on time, a non-passing grade will be recorded in the courseThe end of the last day before the semester final exams for training.


Student commitments before starting practical training


  1. Finalizing all procedures for approving the training plan and issuing the decision to start practical training before the end of the semester that precedes the semester during which the training will take place.

  2. Registering the practical training course in the semester in which the student will train through the academic system portal during the regular registration period.



Student obligations after starting practical training


  1. Active participation in team work and trying to make the most of the practical training opportunity to develop his skills and gain new experiences.

  2. Commitment to the work rules and regulations of the training agency and the implementation of work requirements.

  3. Spending the entire training period with the training agency that has been approved and not moving to another agency.

  4. Submit a report on practical training signed and sealed by the training authority in the last week of the semester before the start of the final exams for the semester in which the training course is registered.

  5. Handing over the evaluation form after being sealed and signed by the training authority.

  6. The report must be in English.

  7. The report should be within 15-20 pages, not including pictures, so that pictures are added in the appendix of the report, and the student must adhere to one style for the entire report (font size 12 and the distance between lines is 1.5).



Supported Models


  1. Application form for a practical training course registration (submitted by the student to the practical training unit at the college.)

  2. Training plan form (to be attached with the initial letter from the college to the training authority.)

  3. The training authority evaluation form (to be attached to the decision to start practical training and to be filled out by the training authority at the end of the training.)



To request practical training, we hope to fill out the practical training registration form attached below and deliver it to the college’s practical training unit, or send it from the student’s university e-mail to the unit’s e-mail .


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