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Introduction and Admission  After Admission  After Enrollment


Part One: Introduction and Admission

1)    1- How do I apply to graduate programs in the Computer Science department?

Please visit the Unified Admission Portal of the Graduate Studies Deanship and submit your application during application periods


2)    What graduate programs does the Computer Science department offer?

The Computer Science department offers 3 graduate programs:

1-      MSc in Computer Science (Project Track or Thesis Track):

All students are initially accepted into the Project Track. Those wishing to transfer to the Thesis Track must meet the following conditions:

   i. Completion of 15 credit hours from the program.

   ii. Cumulative GPA of at least 4.5 / 5

   iii. Send a transfer request to the Thesis Supervision Committee: csTheses@KSU.EDU.SA

2-      MSc in Artificial Intelligence. 

3-      PhD in Computer Science.


3)    How can I contact the coordinators of the graduate programs?

Master's Program Coordinator:

Dr. Amer Touir  
Email: touir at

Doctoral Program Coordinator:

Prof. Muhammed Menai 
Email: Menai at KSU.EDU.SA


4)    Do you offer evening graduate programs?

Yes, evening MS programs are available under the name "Continuous Education ". For more information, please visit the list of current available programs.


5)    How much is tuition for graduate programs at the Computer Science department?

For information about the tuition, please visit the graduate programs details.





Part Two: After Admission


1)    I have been admitted into one of the graduate programs, but there are circumstances preventing me from attending classes regularly. I would like to postpone my study in the program. Is that possible?

Yes, students can submit a "Request for Holding of Admission", or "Request for Deferral of Admission".


2)    What is the difference between "Holding of Admission" and "Deferral of Admission"?

Holding of Admission: is a paper-based process for students who are not issued a university ID number yet.

Deferral of Admission: is an electronic process for students who already have a university ID number and can be done through the edugate online portal.


3)    I would like to submit a request for “Holding of admission” since the university ID number has not been issued yet. What are the necessary steps?

You can download the Holding of admission form from the Graduate Studies Deanship website and ensure all required information is completed, such as: name, ID number, duration of holding, signature, date of submission, etc. Then, send it to the email address: csf at

Upon receiving the request, it will be forwarded to the department council for approval. Please note that the council meets approximately every two weeks and final approval from the deanship can take up to four weeks.


4)    I have a university ID number and I would like to submit a request for "Deferral of admission", what are the necessary steps?

Submit the Deferral of admission request through the online edugate portal.

Upon receiving the request electronically, it will be forwarded to the department council for approval. Please note that the council meets approximately every two weeks and final approval from the deanship can take up to four weeks.

* If you encounter difficulties in submitting the deferral of admission request through edugate, you can follow these steps:

- Download the "Deferral of Admission Request" form from the Graduate Studies Deanship website.

- Ensure all required information is completed on the form, including academic year, department, signature, and date of submission.

- Send the completed form to the email address csf at, along with a screenshot of the technical error you encountered in edugate preventing you from processing the deferral online.





Part Three: After Enrollment in the Graduate Program


1)    I am currently enrolled as a student in the program, but I have circumstances preventing me from completing my studies. Therefore, I would like to take a break from my studies for a specific period of time. Is that possible?

Yes, students can take a leave of absence for a specified period by submitting a "Request for Semester Deferral" or a "Request for Dropping a Semester".


2)    What is the difference between a "Request for Semester Deferral" and a "Request for Dropping a Semester"?

Semester deferral must be requested two weeks before the start of the desired semester (please check the Deanship of Graduate Studies website for the exact date)

If the deadline to defer a semester has passed, or a student has already registered in courses and wishes to discontinue their studies after the registration period, they must submit a request for Dropping a Semester.


3)    How to submit a request for semester deferral?

Through the online portal at Please note the following:

- You can defer your studies for only one academic semester at a time. If you wish to defer more than one semester, you must submit a separate request for each semester.

- Each request for semester deferral counts towards your maximum allowed academic opportunities (which is 3 academic opportunities).

- Deferred semesters do not count towards the maximum duration for obtaining the degree.


4)    How to submit a request for dropping a semester?

Through the online portal at Please consider the following:

- Each request for dropping a semester counts towards the student's academic opportunities limit (which is 3 academic opportunities), and the dropped semesters are not counted toward the maximum duration for obtaining the degree.

- The total duration of dropping a semester + semester deferral should not exceed 3 semesters.

- The dropped semester should not be "an additional opportunity to improve the cumulative GPA".


5)    Can I drop one or more courses?

Yes, you can drop one or more courses after the registration period. Please consider the following:

- The student is not allowed to drop one or more courses from the supplementary courses.

- The total number of credit hours after dropping should not be less than 3 credit hours.

- The student is not allowed to perform the drop operation (either for one or multiple courses) more than two times during the whole program.

- If a student drops one or more courses, the academic department is not required to offer the course(s) in the following semester.


6)    What is the required procedures to register CSC 593:Research Proposal Preparation (for Master's) / or CSC 699:Research Proposal Preparation (for Doctoral)?

A student is allowed to register for the Research Proposal Preparation course for one academic semester for the MS degree (Thesis track), and for two academic semesters for the PhD degree. During this period, the student should develop their research plan and submit it to the department for approval.

The student is not considered to have passed the course unless the approval of the research plan by the Deanship Committee for Graduate Studies is received and is assigned grade of (NP). 

**Passing "Research Proposal Preparation course" is a prerequisite for Thesis..


7)    What is the procedure for Thesis Defense?

Please refer to the following guidebook .


8)    What is the procedure for graduation after successfully defending my thesis?

Please refer to the following guidebook.



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