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A Brief History

A Brief History


  • The importance of computers for development and modern technology and the need for specialists in this area is growing, after the penetration of computers in all aspects of life.
  • In this sense, and the reality of the projected need of national competence in the feild of computer, King Saud University council approved in 1402/1403H the creation of two academic programs in this area: a computer science program in the college of science, and a computer engineering program in the college of engineering.
  • Within a short span of time, these two programs gained immense popularity and a large number of students showed keen interest in joining such programs.
  • Consequently, the demand for computer professionals was growing exponentially.


  • To meet the demand as well as to promote this newly discovered field of knowledge, the idea to establish an independent unit evolved, and a special committee consisting of experts was formed.
  • In order to discover the best possible way of imparting knowledge in this new discipline, yhe committee conducted intensive studies and recommended that the establishment of an independent college should prove benefecial on the long run in promoting this emerging futuristic field of knowledge which is bringing a new technological revolution.
  • Following the recommendation of ACM and relevant international organizations, and in the light of socio-economic need of our country, the committee prepaed model curricula for each department of the college.
  • On 19/1/1420H a Royal Decree number 7/1558/m, was issued to formally establish the college of computer and information sciences at King Saud University, to be supported financially, administratively and academically like the other colleges in the university.


  • The approval to start enrolling students in respective programs was issued in 1404/1405H.
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